Latest News, Projects & Initiatives
Translocated Zoo-Bred Eastern Black Rhino Gives Birth to Calf at Akagera National Park in Rwanda
July 16, 2024
Back in 2019, five Eastern black rhinos were translocated from European zoos to Akagera National Park in Rwanda. One of those rhinos, Olmoti, has had a calf at the national park, fathered by one of the other translocated rhinos. Both Olmoti and the calf, who is now three months old, have been spotted twice this week by the national park's conservation team, and are doing well... Great news for the conservation of the species!
Reintroduced Scottish Wildcats Breed in the Wild at Cairngorms National Park
July 5, 2024
Great news from the Scottish wildcat reintroduction programme, with the birth of kittens in the wild! Last summer, the Saving Wildcats team, wich is led by Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), released 19 captive-bred cats into the Cairngorms National Park. At least two of the released females have now given birth to kittens, in a great milestone to the programme. The released animals are adapting well to their natural environment, and the team is cautious but optimistic the kittens will do well!
European Zoos Send Przewalski’s Horses Back to Central Kazakhstan
June 17, 2024
Seven Przewalski's horses born in European zoos, one stallion and six mares, were sent to central Kazakhstan as part of a reintroduction programme for the species. This marks the return of the species to this area, where it has been locally extinct for many years. Before they are fully released into the wild, they will spend approximately a year in a large acclimatisation enclosure so they can habituate to the local environment as well as each other.Zoo Praha leads this project in collaboration with other zoos and organisations.
Nashville Zoo Releases Captive-Reared Eastern Hellbenders Into the Wild
June 5, 2024
Nashville Zoo released 27 eastern hellbender salamanders into the wild, part of a headstart programme for the species. These salamanders were collected as eggs from the wild in 2018, in Tennessee, and were raised at the zoo until they were developed enough to be released back into their natural habitat. Over 100 hellbenders have been released by the zoo since the start of the project.
Zoo-housed Mexican Wolves Contribute to Species’ Frozen Gene Bank
April 30, 2024
Utica Zoo's Mexican wolves have for the second time contributed to the species' frozen gene bank, after undertaking a semen extraction procedure. One of the most threatened wolf species, less than 300 Mexican wolves remain in the wild, all of them descendant of captive-bred reintroduced animals. The frozen gene bank is a key tool in the genetic management of the species.